Monday, December 9, 2013

Thankful for my Thorns

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I am reminded once again to be thankful for my thorns. I practice gratitude and thank God every day for all of His blessings and comfort but seem to always forget to thank Him for the pain I feel when I am in the throws of panic or after when I am feeling whole again. I tend to thank Him for healing me and the times in between panic attacks. But one day I was thinking about Paul's thorn he speaks of in the Bible and decided I must have what Paul had but my thorn was panic and that His grace is sufficient. This understanding gave me comfort.  But I forget and neglect to thank Him for this thorn.

I would like to share a post I just read that helped me remember to take the time to be thankful and acknowledge my thorn as a gift that may some day help others and to remember Gods comfort is such a blessing!

Read post here from Marty's Musings.