Sunday, November 6, 2011

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack

PANIC ATTACKS - Can they hurt us? What are they? How can I stop them?
On my journey of searching for help with my panic disorder I came across a book written by Ray Comfort called Overcoming Panic Attacks. It was the beginning of validation that I was not alone. It also gave an in-depth description of a panic attack that could help my family and friends somewhat understand what I went through on a daily basis, many times a day.

"Unlike anxiety attacks or generalized anxiety panic attacks come on suddenly, unexpectedly, and appear to be unprovoked - begin out of the blue with no obvious trigger and 90% of the time are completely disabling." - Description found on a blog that had the closest description to a PANIC ATTACK that I have seen in 22 years.
The biggest mystery for me and my panic disorder is that after an hour of telling myself that "it's just a panic attack. It will pass.", when do I decide there could actually be something physically wrong and that if I don't get to the hospital for treatment I could really be in trouble? How do I know the difference? How do I tell?
Usually an attack will pass after anywhere from 2 minutes to 15 minutes. If you start feeling better after you have initiated "tools" from your toolbox then you know it was more like what I call an anxiety attack.
If nothing changes after a few minutes of implementing some learned behavioral and breathing tools and if you cannot even think of what to do to help yourself you are having a PANIC ATTACK. If a feeling of fear grips you to the point that you would rather jump off a bridge than feel what you are feeling you are having a PANIC ATTACK. Anyone watching this happen to you, including the doctors and nurses at the emergency room look at you like you are acting like a two year old and need to get a grip.
This is the most helpless feeling. No one understands. No one knows what to do and Everyone is telling you "It can't hurt you. It will pass. Breathe, etc." All you can do is look at them with fear in your eyes and pain they cannot see.
It's like a friend of mine just said to me today....If you never lost your mother you do not know what it feels like. Another analogy is... If you have never had children you do not understand the love of a mother for her child. (Dad's can feel this way too.). Anyone who has never had a PANIC ATTACK does NOT know what you are going through.
There are things you can do to minimize and get your attack under control. There are ways to ask friends and loved ones to help you. There are ways to live with this disorder and break free of the bondage and experience life in a way you used to live (before panic disorder took hold of your life).
For a lot of us we find our source of strength and comfort knowing God is there for us during our time of struggle and can ultimately deliver us from bondage. In the meantime he also gives us tools through therapists, meditation on Him - His Word, exercise, medications; all so we can help ourselves understand what is happening to us and to focus on looking up.
A fabulous Christian woman, Angela Brittain started a website that helps ME when I am struggling. It is called
We are definitely NOT ALONE:)
Below is a poem I wrote before I found any help from any thing or any one. I was alone and felt helpless (even in my marriage and even with a loving family). Maybe you can relate. But I am here to tell you that you will one day look back as I am on this poem and say Thank You to all the people who were brave enough to write down how they became free of Panic Disorder.
May 1993 (One year into ten attacks a day) Death dream
Someone to hold me when I sleep
Someone to tell my dreams to in the middle of the night
Someone to tell me everything is going to be alright when:
The throbbing in my head begins
The sudden heat and constriction of my lungs
The fear of losing control
The pulling on my soul
The feeling of suffocation and dying
The blackness
Someone to stop the pain

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