Basic Tools I have learned over the years that help me find Peace in the Storm.
When my "aura" begins I do the following:
1. Breathe into the abdomen for a count of 4. Hold. Breathe out for a count of 4. Do this 4 -6 times. (I practice breathing throughout my day.)
2. Immediately change my thoughts by putting on music, getting up and going for a walk, get on a treadmill, go to my saved sites that can talk me down just by reading what others have found helps them. It is our thoughts that spiral out of control. If you can't do it yourself (been there) try to find someone you can call who will talk you down, read to you, read scriptures to you and invest in some soothing cd's. Sometimes more lively music does the trick.
3. Daily small doses of medication can help keep panic at bay while you are learning how to use the tools in the toolbox.
4. Sit down and direct your thoughts to what you are doing to overload your stress level. If possible step back from one or two or three things that are over-stressing you. (For some it is not possible to change jobs but change something). One of the interesting notes I came across on the "overcomepanic" website is that we are often over-achievers, perfectionists, people-pleasers and don't take care of ourselves the way we take care of others. We have to know when to stop and slow down and take a break.
This is my screensaver. I look closely at the incredible design of each flower praising our creator for such beauty. This helps me re-focus on something other than myself.
5. Others have found that coughing helps and a good cry. The adrenaline released from the fight or flight response (that is the panic attack) has to be released. Sometimes nothing works and you have to cry it out. Other times when nothing else works, medicine or a "shock" will snap you out of it. Once I had an attack for 6 solid hours (the longest ever for me). Nothing was working. I used all my tools. I decided it must be something physically wrong that needed the attention of a doctor. My son moved a car out of the drive to take me to the hospital and he hit a car. He was so upset that all I could focus on was him and the accident. Noone was hurt and I was immediately transported out of my panic and into peace. I do not suggest going out and hitting a car. Instead focus on something that you are passionate about that helps someone or something that has it worse than you. (such as animals that have been abused and need our help, people who have unfortunately lost their jobs and homes, our brave soldiers coming home with injuries). These things can take our minds off of US.
6. Eat something. I always have food with me. Usually it's picking types of food that eating them takes some focus which takes my mind off siting waiting for the light to change or for traffic to get better. These types of foods are pumpkin or sunflower seeds that have to be opened, raisins, seed and fruit mixes, banana chips (for the sugar), protein bars, whatever it is you like to pick on. Make sure you always have water. Dehydration can make changes in our body that sets off the "something's wrong" trigger.
7. See a therapist who specializes in behavioral therapy. This works for us as well as it's other uses. We do have a say so in changing our behaviors. A good therapist can show you how to do this. (This is more for prevention and learning new tools)
8. Exercise regularly and try yoga or other relaxation and stretching exercises. (Also for prevention and lowering stress but can be done at the time an aura begins)
9. Practice Gratitude and Forgiveness. Striving for joy and happiness in life can free us of so much that we try to control that we cannot change. The serenity prayer is right on when we don't know what to pray:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference!!
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
-–Melody Beattie
10. Put on the Armor of God. (See under my uplifting section in the right column).
11. Meditation is very important for stress relief. For those of you who choose a different kind of meditation Here is a site for you!! A very old friend of mine created this site to help heal the broken spirit. This is her way and it is a good way.
I choose prayer myself but there is nothing wrong with peaceful meditation with God's creation.
12. Play Solitaire or Jewels or some kind of game on the computer or the old fashioned way. Remember, we are taking our focus from our negative thoughts and putting it on something else. If we can't think we have to change what we are doing to be able to think and then start thinking positive thoughts.
Remember you cannot help others unless you are healthy.
Get healthy. Eat better. Back off on the caffeine. Walk or Run. Use your tools and feel free to share any great ways you get healthy not mentioned here. We are all different and we should always find what works for us. We are wonderfully and perfectly made and we have a way out!
Peace and Blessings!!!
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